
Saturday 1 October 2016

572 Sergeant Richard Gray, Leinster Regiment

Above, unknown sergeant from Richard Gray collection. 

I bought some photos on eBay recently which were from a larger collection of photos that had once belonged to Richard Gray. The vendor of the photographs had broken the collection up and some had already been sold elsewhere. Having been together for well over a hundred years, I always find it deplorable that collections are thus distributed, and so if the buyer of those other photographs should happen to read this, I will be very happy to buy back the missing photos.

The notes which follow are from my research into Richard Gray. Numbers in square brackets refer to the last four digits of his service record which happily survives in series WO 363 (now available on Ancestry and Findmypast). I shall be happy to receive information about this man. 

For help researching your own soldier ancestor, contact me.

23rd September 1865
Born at Aharn, Fermoy, County Cork [2821 & 2829]; son of William Gray of Portlaw, County Waterford
3rd December 1865
Born [1939 Register]
23rd August 1884
Attested, aged 18 years and 11 months [2821], a teacher [2829]
24th August 1884
Birr. Accident off duty. [2826]
27th August 1884
Depot. Joined Leinster Regiment, regimental number 572 [2825]
28th October 1884
Depot. Obtains First Class Certificate of Education [2833]
15th November 1884
Posted to 2nd Battalion [2832]
21st February 1885
2nd Battalion. Appointed lance-corporal [2832]
23rd July 1885
2nd Battalion. Promoted corporal [2832]
19th September 1885
2nd Battalion. Fermoy [2826]
14th December 1885
Posted to 1st Battalion [2832] 
15th December 1885
HMS Malabar [2826]
10th January 1886
Landed in India [2826]
25th January 1886
Faizabad? [2826]
1st May 1886
India? [2826]
8th November 1886
Calcutta [2826]
19th November 1886
Assistant Instructor in Army Signalling [2833]
Silver Medal for Mathematics [2818]
16th March 1890
Transferred to the Unattached List for employment in the Public Works Dept. Promoted Sergeant on the Unattached List [2832]
21st March 1890
Agra [2826]
15th May 1891
Resigns appointment on Bengal Unattached List [2832]
Corporal [2832]
23rd September 1891
Passed fit to extend service to 12 years [2826]
21st May 1892
Passes class of instruction in Divisional Transport [2833]
6th November 1892
Appointed Orderly Room Corporal [2831]
9th December 1892
Dessa? India [2826]
31st December 1892
Appointed Lance-Sergeant [2831]
12th October 1893
Appointed Acting Sergeant [2831]

I believe this photo - not one of those which I purchased - dates to this period

3rd March 1894
Poona  [2826]
Deolali [2826]
HOME - 13TH JANUARY 1895 - 18TH OCTOBER 1900
14th January 1895
Tipperary [2826]
22nd April 1895
Clonmel [2826]
16th September 1895
Tipperary [2826]
11th December 1895
Promoted Sergeant [2831]
27th February 1896
Re-engaged at Navau to complete 21 years [2831]
1st March 1896
Transferred to 5th Battalion [2831]
16th September 1896
Marries Alice Edith Slade at St Mary's Church, Navan [2833]
1st October 1896
Birr [2826]
25th September 1898
Son, William F D Gray born at Navan, Meath [2833 & 1911 Census]
1st March 1899
Posted to Depot [2831]
8th April 1899
Shorncliffe [2826]

I believe this superb photo dates to around this time. All of the men pictured appear to be senior NCOs, mostly from the Royal Artillery.  Richard Gray is standing, third from left. 

5th September 1899
Fermoy [2826]
17th January 1900
Birr [2826]
20th June 1900
Daughter, Alice Edith Gray born at Birr, King's County [2833 & 1911 Census]
24th August 1900
Sentenced by DCM to be reduced to the ranks for drunkenness on duty [2831]
25th August 1900
Reduced to Private [2831]
19th October 1900
Transferred to 1st Battalion [2831]
20th September 1902
S S Englishman [2826]
1st September 1902
Appointed paid Lance-corporal [2831]
28th October 1902
Fermoy [2826]
18th July 1903
Son, Richard Bruce Gray born at Fermoy [2833 & 1911 Census]
1st March 1904
Obtained Acting Schoolmaster certificate [2833]
18th June 1904
Shorncliffe [2826]
30th October 1904
Promoted corporal [2828 & 2831]
22nd August 1905
Corporal Richard Gray. Discharged at Shorncliffe, aged 39 years and 11 months, on the termination of second period of limited engagement [2818]. Intended place of residence is Military Avenue, Cheriton, Kent [2833]
Son, Thomas Alexander Gray born at St-Peter's-in-the-, Kent [1911 Census]
Daughter, Eleanor Dorothy Gray born at Chelsfield, Kent [1911 Census]
April 1911
Recorded as "Army Pensioner - Schoolmaster. Not employed" Living at Ivy Dene, Green Street Green, Orpington, Kent [1911 Census]

Detail from a larger photograph - not mine - which may date to around this time.

11th August 1914
Attests for General Service at Maidstone with Royal West Kent Regiment, aged 48 years and 9 months; a teacher. Posted to regimental depot, regimental number G/659 [2835]
11th September 1914
Attestation date incorrectly noted [2821]
12th September 1914
Promoted sergeant [2821]
23rd October 1914
Posted to 9th Battalion, RWK [2836]
30th August 1915
France [2837]
22nd September 1917
Transferred to Labour Corps, sergeant [2836] Reg No: 378453 [2837]
19th December 1918
Discharged [2821] no longer physically fit for war service [2836]. Address, Ivy Dene, Green Street, Orpington, Kent [2836]

This photo - not mine -must pre-date the award of Richard's First World War medals. The cap and collar number suggest an omnibus or tram company but I would welcome further thought on this.

29th September 1939
County Hospital, Farnborough, Orpington. "Incapacitated. Retired civil servant. Army Pensioner. Wife Alice is also a patient  [1939 Register]
23rd January 1940
Died, County Hospital, Farnborough, Orpington, aged 74. Address given as Ivy Dene, Worlds End Lane, Chelsfield, Orpington. Death registered by son, Richard B Gray, of Southlands, 148 Park Avenue, Orpington [2822]

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