
Sunday 4 December 2016

Old Kilpatrick - Roll of Honour

The forward to this little undated volume reads:

In further remembrance of the Great War (19 14-1919) and of those members of Old Kilpatrick Parish Church who served in it this booklet is now issued. The Congregation has already erected in the Church a bronze memorial tablet containing the names of the thirty-four men who gave their lives and has also dedicated to their memory four suitably inscribed communion patens, while relatives have further presented silver communion cups to commemorate certain individuals.

The names recorded on the following pages have been engrossed in the Kirk Session books for
preservation, and they are now presented in booklet form in order that a copy may, by way
of memorial, be supplied to each family represented on the list.

A specially bound copy will lie in the Church for preservation as the Roll of Honour of the Congregation in lieu of the usual scroll of names.

Every effort has been made to secure accuracy of name and designation in this record. The
list has been twice printed in the Parish Supplement in order that those interested might have
an opportunity of rectifying mistakes; effect has been given to all changes and corrections intimated ; and the Kirk Session will greatly regret if despite these precautions, any mistake occurs in the list.

This Roll of Honour is sent forth with renewed sympathy for those who mourn the unreturning and with thankfulness to Almighty God for the honourable service rendered both by the living and by the dead.

In name oj the Kirk Session,


List of those who gave their lives

Anton, Private, Alex Calder, Royal Scots
Cameron, Sapper, Lewis RE
Cheyne, Private, Geo, 8/10 Gordon Highlanders
Cowieson, Private, John H, 2/9 Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Davie, Corporal, Mitchell, 1st Cameron Highrs
Davidson, Stoker, James, HMS Queen Mary
Dollans, Private, Wm, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Dunn, Private, John, King's Own Scottish Borderers
Fitzsimons, Gunner, James Milroy, Canadian Artillery
Foster, Private, Malcolm, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Gillespie, 2nd Lieutenant, David A, 3rd Border Regiment
Gillespie, Sergeant, Geoffrey B, 5th Dorset
Graham, Gunner, John A, MM, RFA
Green, Corporal, Robert, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Greer, Private, Gilbert Thomson, 1/7 Gordon Highlanders
Hogg, Private, James Gordon, 9th Highland Light Infantry
Keith, Corporal, James, Scottish Horse
Kemp, Lance-Corporal, William, 2nd Scottish Rifles
Kempton, Lance-Corporal, John, 50th Canadians
Kempton, Private, Thomas, 14th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Kennedy, Private, Kenneth, 1st Seaforth Highlanders
Kennedy, Corporal, Matthew, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Kerr, Sapper, Robert, RE
Laing, Private, Alexander, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
McArthur, Private, James, RASC
Macdonald, Private, Alexander, Scottish Rifles
McHaffie, Sergeant, William John, South African MTC
McKellar, Corporal, Archibald, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
MacKenzie, Corporal, John R, Mom Star, RGA
McPherson, Private, George, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Miller, Private, John, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Mitchell, Lance-Corporal, David W, 2nd Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Smith, Sergeant, David, 3rd Gordon Highlanders
Smith, 2nd Lieutenant, Harry Gordon, 4th (attached 12th) Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders

List of those who also served

Alston, Signaller, C S, RGA
Armstrong, Sergeant, Wm, RE
Atkinson, Private, Wm, Scots Guards
Baillie, Private, Thos, Royal Scots
Beckett, Lance-Corporal, James, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Biles, Captain, Andrew W, MC, RE
Bruce, PO, J C, RNAS Armoured Cars and MTRASC
Buchanan, 2nd Lieutenant, Jas F, JDCM, 4th Gordon Highlanders
Buchanan, Sapper, Malcolm, RE
Buchanan, Lance-Corporal, Robert, 1/9 Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Buchanan, Sapper, Walter, RE
Caldwell, Lance-Corporal, Charles, 8th Seaforth Highlanders
Cameron, Miss Mhairi W, VAD
Cameron, Captain, Wm Moore, RAMC
Campbell, Private, Harry, Highland Light Infantry
Campbell, Private, John, Gordon Highlanders
Cadzow, Cadet, Charles, RFA
Cooke, Captain, R Sutherland, 5th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Collier, CPO, Harry Boyer, Royal Navy
Cordner, Signaller, Fred J T L, RFA
Cordner, Driver, Sam C, RFA
Cosser, Trooper, J, Royal Scots Greys
Coulter, Private, George, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Coyle, Private, Andrew, 8th Gordon Highlanders
Cross, Staff Nurse, Jean
Cruickshank, Private, G, Transport Service
Cruickshank, Sapper, James, IWT, RE
Davie, Private, Douglas, Highland Light Infantry
Davidson, Private, John, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Dewar, 2nd Lieutenant, J F, Highland Light Infantry
Dickson, Private, John, 1/9 Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Downie, Gunner, RA and FC Command
Drummond, Private, James, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Duncan, Private, George, RAMC
Duncan, Private, John, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Duncan, Lieutenant, T D A, Garrison Artillery
Dunn, Sergeant, Alex, MM, Mons Star, 2nd Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Easton, Private, J A R, 18th MVS, Royal Serbian Army
Edwards, Private, James, MGC
Ferguson, Stoker, James, HMS Ebro
Ferguson, ERA, John, HMS Orion
Ferguson, Private, J, CFC
Fergusson-Buchanan, Lieutenant-Col, Geo J, 8th RSF
Fitzsimons, Sergeant, Robert, KO Yorks
Fitzsimons, Private, Wm F, MM, 5th Cameron Highlanders
Foster, Private, Allan, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Freebairn, Lieutenant, Charles J, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Freebairn, Private, John B, 13th Black Watch
Freebairn, Private, Thomas W, RASC, MT
Gait, Stoker, Alexander R, HMS Blonde
Gauslin, Sapper, W, RE
Gibson, Private, D, 1/7 Highland Light Infantry
Gillespie, Sergeant, S Cyril, MT (Canadian)
Gillespie, Lieutenant, W R, RAF
Goldie, Corporal ,Alexander M, 5th Highland Light Infantry
Gower, Corporal, George, 13 th Royal Scots
Graham, Sister, A, QAIMNScottish Rifles
Graham, Sister, C, TFNS
Graham, ERA, William, HMS Sharpshooter
Graham, Sergeant, Donald, 12th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Graham, Sergeant, J, IWT
Gray, Private, Robert, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Grant, Sergeant, James, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Green, Private, Isaac, DCM, 9th Black Watch
Green, Private, John, 7th Seaforth Highlanders
Greer, Private, Alexander, 6th Cameron Highlanders
Greer, Private, William, King's Own Scottish Borderers
Grierson, 2nd Lieutenant, David, 1st Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Hamilton, Corporal, W G, 5th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Hamilton, Lance-Corporal, Gavin, 6th Camerons
Hammond, Sapper, James B, RE
Hampstead, Gunner, J, RGA
Hawthorne, Private, David, Gordons and Highland Light Infantry
Hay, Private, William, 9th Black Watch
Hendry, Private, John B, 1 5th Worcester Regiment
Hendry, Driver, David, RE
Henshilwood, Corporal, George, 12th Royal Scots
Hiquebran, Sapper, A, Canadians
Howard, Corporal, Geo W, RAF
Hogg, Private, George, 7th Cameron Highlanders
Huddlestone, Lieutenant, J H, 5th Highland Light Infantry
Huddlestone, Lieutenant, W S, RFA
Jamieson, Gunner, Alex, RGA
Jamieson, Private, Andrew, Gordon Highlanders
Jamieson, Staff-Sergeant, R, MM, RHA
Johnston, Lieutenant, G A, 7th Highland Light Infantry
Johnston, Lieutenant, H L, RFC
Kennedy, Private, John, 1/8 Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Kennedy, Private, Robert, 4th Cameron Highlanders
Kennedy, Thomas, 1st Seaforth Highlanders
Laidlaw, RQMS, T D, MM, 5th Camerons and RASC
Laing, Private, Ernest, 4th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Leckie, Cadet, R H, RAF
Leckie, Lieutenant, Samuel, 7th Scottish Rifles
Leckie, Private, W, Canadians
Leitch, Private, Ab, Lanarkshire Yeomanry
Litster, Private, Wm S, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Livingston, Private, Hugh, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Logan, Sapper, G M, RE
Logan, Seaman, J W, HMS Thames
Logan, Lance-Corporal, John, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Logan, Sapper, M, RE
Logan, Private, W, Seaforth Highlanders
McCaskill, Private, Archibald, 10th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
McClure, Private, Thomas, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
MacDonald, Trooper, John, Royal Scots Greys
MacDonald, Gunner, Joseph, RE
MacDonald, Private, W K, Mechanical Transport
MacGregor, Captain, Fredk, MC, MM, 2nd Northamptonshire
McGregor, Stoker, Andrew, HMS Barham
McGregor, Private, James, Black Watch
McHaffie, Private, David B, Australian M Division
McHaffie, CERA John A, HMS Lion
McHaffie, Miss Mary, VAD
Mclnnes, Staff-Sergeant, John, DCM, 57th Siege Battery, RGA
Mackay, Private, Charles, 6th Highland Light Infantry
McKechnie, Corporal, Neil, Black Watch
McKechnie, Bdr, Samuel S, RGA
MacKenzie, Mrs, George, VAD
Mackenzie, Lieutenant, John C, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
MacKenzie, Private, Ralph W E, 5th Cameron Highlanders
Mackenzie, Col, Sir Robt C, CS, KBE, VD, Comm 3rd Line Lowland Division
McKerracher, Sapper, Lewis, RE
McKerracher, Lance-Corporal, Robert, Highland Light Infantry
McKimmie, Private, William, Black Watch
MacLachlan, Signaller, Charles J, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
McLaren, Private, Alex, Northumberland Fusiliers
McLean, Lance-Corporal, Thomas, MM, Machine Gun Corps
McLellan, Private, William, 2nd Gordons
McMillan, Sapper, D, RE
McMurtrie, Private, William, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
McNaught, Private, Thomas, 7th Cameron Highlanders
McPherson, Private, James Bald, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
McPherson, Private, John, New Zealand Contingent
McPherson, Lance-Corporal, Robert, NGR
Mainds, Captain, Allan D, RFA (Special Reserve)
Mathieson, 2nd AM, John, RAF
Melville, Private, James M, 2nd Gordon Highlanders
Miller, Private, James, Scots Guards
Mitchell, Corporal, G A, RE
Mitchell, Sapper, Robert, Canadians
Morrison, Private, John, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Morrison, Private, R, Gordon Highlanders
Morton, Sapper, Thomas, RE
Napier, Miss, Ellis, VAD
Napier, Captain, H A M, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders and RE Signal Service
Napier, Captain, I P R, MC, Legion d’honneur and Croix de Guerre, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders and Royal Flying Corps
Napier, Lieutenant, James, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Neish, Private, John, 8th Black Watch
Paterson, Lieutenant, Alexander B, Border Regiment
Paterson, Cadet, George A, RE
Palmer, Lance-Corporal, T, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Paxton, Sapper, Robert, RE
Pitt, AB, Harry H, Royal Navy
Raeside, Corporal, Matt, MM, 1st King's own Scottish Borderers
Ramsay, Corporal, H W, Mons Star, 2nd Highland Light Infantry
Reid, Private, David, Seaforth Highlanders
Reid, Sapper, James, RE
Robertson, Trooper, James, Scots Greys
Robertson, Private, Wm, Canadian Scottish
Shank, Sapper, G W, CRT, Canadian Pioneers
Saunderson, Private, Saml S, 3rd Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Sinclair, Private, Andrew, Highland Light Infantry
Sinclair, Pioneer, Angus, RE
Smillie, Sapper, Charles, IWT, RE
Smith, Private, James, Scottish Rifles
Smith, Bdr, John, RGA
Smith, Private, William, Highland Light Infantry
Smith, A/M, Wm S, RFC
Stirling, Private, Thomas, 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Struthers, CQMS, Alexander, 47th Div Train, RASC
Stewart, Private, Newton, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Swan, Private, William, Royal Scots
Symington, Lieutenant, D A, RFC
Tait, Sapper, James, RE
Taylor, Sapper, George, IWT, RE
Taylor, Corporal, Peter, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Tambling, Staff-Sergeant, W, Tank Corps
Thomson, ERA, John, HMS Princess Royal
Timpany, Private, David, 1/9 Hants
Tinney, Private, George, 1/8 Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Tosnie, Private, Samuel, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Townley, CQMS, John G, 15th Highland Light Infantry
Wallace, Lance-Corporal, Thomas, MM, RE
White, Private, William, 3rd Highland Light Infantry
Whyte, Private, John H, Black Watch

I have borrowed the parich church photograph from The Churches of Britain & Ireland website.

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