
This page contains links to online resources and databases recording servicemen from Australia.

National Archives of Australia
FREE - An essential resource for researching Australian servicemen.

Australian War Memorial - Pre WW1 Nominal Rolls
FREE. The database is comprised of (i) the New South Wales contingent to the Sudan in 1885 (ii) Australian units in the Boer War 1899-1902 (iii) the New South Wales, Victorian and South Australian contingents who took part in the suppression of the Boxer Uprising in China between 1900-1901.

Australian War Memorial - WW1 Embarkation Rolls
FREE.  Approximately 330,000 men recorded here as they embarked from Australia.

Australian War Memorial - WW1 Nominal Roll
FREE. Details of approximately 324,000 AIF personnel.  The extract below is typical.

Australian War Memorial - Red Cross Wounded and Missing Enquiry Bureau Files
FREE.  32,000 individual case files of Australian personnel reported as wounded or missing during the First World War.  The report below is typical; a fantastic resource.